I have been realizing visionary projects since 2016. I would like to contribute to understanding and recognizing the medium of photography as part of high culture.
Mag. Specialist
for contemporary photography
in art
born: 19.10.1977
Nationality: German
Place of Birth: Dresden, Germany.
Education and
Academic Degree
1999 - 2001
Studied Art History and Curating with a specialization in Photography at the Sorbonne, Paris, France
Graduation Magistra Artium at the Sorbonne Thesis: "The Bauhaus in Paris
1996 - 1999
Study of law (4 semesters, change), re-enrollment art history, publishing and media science at the Ruprecht Karls University in Heidelberg, Germany
1999 - 2001
Two-year research fellowship of the DAAD Fulbright for Paris on the subject of Bauhäusler in France, interfaces between Bauhaus and Surrealists
1999 – 2001
Project coordination in the founding team for the international photography fair Paris Photo at the Louvre in Paris, support of international collections, publishers and art book publications at the fair, consulting work for collectors
03/2002 – 09/2003
Trained as a radio journalist, Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk radio station, then 10 years as a freelance art critic for Deutschland Radio, MDR Kultur and BBC.
2000 - 2002
Scientific collaboration at the Bauhaus Dessau. Scientific mediation of the Bauhaus era at the Bauhaus Dessau Organization of conferences and congresses

Professional Practice
since 2014
Founded and directed the photography school Shift (private school for curatorial practice in contemporary photography)12 permanent teaching modules.
Lectures and teaching at art academies and photography institutions in Arles, Paris, Hamburg, Helsinki, Prague, Bonn, Vienna, Leipzig, Dresden. Numerous collaborations in these cities.
Mentors for the foundation of the Shift School private school for curatorial practice in contemporary photography:
Prof. Michael Poivert ( Paris),
Prof. Klaus Honnef (Bonn),
since 2015
Compact studies and mentoring:
From content to visual content. Elaboration of long-term projects in contemporary photography.
Curating Photography. Photography of the present knowledge. Photography and Memory. Photography in psychology, theory, writing in photography. Preparation for studies at the art school.
since 2015
Organization of learning trips with a focus on society in change. New art locations photography in Prague, Vienna, Paris, Leipzig and Dresden.
Teaching the master class Anzenberger in Vienna, together with Martin Parr.
Beginning research and practice for photography related to visual memory activation in Parkinson's disease, dementia and stroke. Numerous home visits to patients with these conditions to research the subject.
Graduation of the master performance class with
Prof. Marie Luise Lange at the TU in Dresden.
2011 – 2014
free-lance curator for events and exhibitions book tour William Eggleston through Hamburg, Göttingen, Bielefeld
Occupation with entire photo book oeuvre of Gerhard Steidl, publisher from Göttingen: Contexts and backgrounds with all Steidl artists after meeting Steidl after his film How to Make a Book with Steidl for the Dokfilmwoche in Leipzig.
Artistic collaboration at documenta 13 in Kassel under the direction of Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, production and implementation of 17 complex art projects with the artists on site in Kassel.
Complete production responsibility for the extensive conceptual work Refugee Camp Western Sahara by the New York artist Robin Kahn
2006 – 2011
Foundation and direction of the 1st to 4th International Photography Festival f/stop in Leipzig based on a model of a festival in France, conception for Leipzig with the director of the festival in Arles, France, with the goal of establishing a permanent center for photography in Leipzig in 10 years through the festival.
2008 - 2010
Lectureships at the Faculty of Art History at the University of Leipzig, among others seminars on the topics:
Photography collections in Germany
On the handling of photography in exhibitions
Calculus of the artist - Staged photography.
2005 – 2006
Head of the BBC's foreign studio together with Radio France International (RFI) in Leipzig/coordination of a weekly 30-minute cultural program
2003 – 2005
Meeting with the art patron Meda Mladkova and scientific processing of her extensive art collection about Czech artists of the avant-garde, among others Franticek Kupka
Exhibition work and artistic assistance to the director at the Prague Rudolfinum Art Gallery
Awards, Scholarships,
1st place Type Award New York for the realization of the
of the F/ Stop art catalog with David Voss (concept, content, typography)
1st place Saxonian State Design Award for the realization of the
of the F/Stop art catalog together with David Voss (concept, content)
DAAD research fellowship of the German Academic Exchange Service
since 2007
Member of the German Society for Photography
Oracle Curators Organization in the USA
Association of German Art Historians Bonn

Exhibition Catalog:
In the Hidden Kristin Dittrich with Dr. Jule Hillgärtner, director Kunstverein Braunschweig
Exhibition Catalogue:
On Curating Interview with Thomas Weski, leading photography curator in Germany
Exhibition Catalogue:
On Photography Development from Leipzig with Prof. Helfried Strauss, Phototeacher at Fine Art Academy Leipzig
Exhibition Catalogue:
Our Generation with Eugen Blume and Prof. Timm Rautert, Phototeacher at Fine Art Academy Leipzig
180 reviews
as art critic for culture broadcasters of the German national radio stations Deutschlandfunk, MDR Kultur, BBC and Radio France International
20 reviews
about photography books
Photobook Journal Los Angeles and Photonews Hamburg
2020 - 2021
Curatorial Collaboration at the establishment of a new museum in Dresden 1919- 2023: Museum der Avantgarden in Dresden, Germany. Selection of photo material for the Avantgarde exhibition in the new museum.
Participation in the German Art Historians Day in Dresden.
Topic: How Klaus Honnef brought artistic photography to Documenta
Lecture on William Eggleston's influence on contemporary artists on the occasion of the publication of Eggleston's complete works. Premiere at the Literary Center Göttingen, at the Kunsthaus Faktor in Hamburg at the FH Bielefeld and at the Landesmuseum Bonn.
Lecture on "King Disciplin curating Group Shows in photography" at the Conference Images in Circulation, TAIK University in Helsinki.
Planning and realization of the Conference "Curating Photography", Zeitgeschichtliches Forum in Leipzig, with 30 speakers and 280 participants.

English (business fluent) French (business fluent) Latinum
performance art, french life style, languages, water sports